Tuesday, January 19, 2010

19/01 - Incredible day

We took the highway go to Mairangi Bay. Suddenly, Pear said to us she just saw a child driving, nobody believed her, so we wanted to be close by the car to check, and we all realized that it was really a little kid (i guess he was about 10 year old or something like that). His mother was sitting next to him and he was driving was a 4x4 car. I wanted to take a picture but too bad I missed the target. Waoooh it is totally incredible!!

At the Mairangi Bay, we were sitting on a bench on the beach eating something. Suddenly Pear's husband said to us he saw a fin in the sea, he first thought it was a shark. But it was some dolphins swimming around, they were not far from the shore. It was the first time I saw dolphins.

Unfortunately I have no picture to prove these two facts, just trust me.

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