Showing posts with label dunedin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dunedin. Show all posts

Saturday, February 20, 2010

20/02 - Worlds steepest street

Initially, Baldwin street slopes gently from the valley floor, then climbs steeply to its intersection with Buchanan Street at the top.
Over the 161.2 metre length of the top section, it climbs a vertical height of 47.22 metres, which is an average gradient of 1 in 3.41.
On its steepest section, the gradient is 1 in 2.86.
Every year, during Dunedin's Festival, large numbers of athletes, including family groups, take part in social and competitive foot races to the top of the street and return. These races are known as the "Baldwin Street Gutbuster".
The street is names for William Baldwin, who carried out the original subdivision. Baldwin was a member of the Otago Provincial Council, and founder of the "Otago Guardian" newspaper in 1873.

Friday, February 19, 2010

19/02 - Dunedin Botanic Garden

There is no much thing to do in Dunedin, so today I decide to go to the Dunedin Botanic Garden. I spend my whole day there because it is very nice and very big garden. I think it is the most beautiful garden I have seen since I was born. Here in New Zealand, each big city has their botanic garden. I think its very cool to have one nearly so we can easily have a picnic or just have a walk in a calm place.