Saturday, May 15, 2010

Why not now ?

I remembered by the middle of december, I told you that I wanted to travel in New-Zeland in the future on the 2 years.
You had answered me: " WHY NOT NOW ?".
A few days passed and I thought " yeah, why not now ", I thus looked on internet how much would cost such trip, how I may make it, where I have to go. Having all the information in hand, I decided to book my flight. I had spoken about it to nobody. Then one week later, everything was confirm, then I said to my parents, to the family, to my friends that in 20 days, I fly away for the other end of the world, even if all were shocked, all encouraged me. Maybe that they knew that I needed to make such a thing.

Thank you so much, Soso, for this answer: " WHY NOT NOW ?".
Now I know why it was the only answer that you could give me. Because the best moment to make things it is now and not later.

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