Sunday, March 7, 2010

07/03 - Opening the door of your heart

Before coming to New Zealand I already tried to find a book about Buddhism. But I did not find anything I liked.
Recently, Sivine gaved me the book "Opening the door of your heart."

Three days ago, I got up at five o'clock in the morning, as I had nothing to do, I started to read it. I like a lot because it is very easy to read although I do not understand all the English words, but ideas are clear and understandable.

The book is made of ten chapters, each chapter has a theme and consists of short stories. Themes are about perfection, love, fear, anger, happiness and many others feelings or ideas.
Three days have passed and each day I read a chapter. After reading each chapter, I took a decision or made my mind clear about one thing. I believe that this book will make me advance.

Thanks Sivine for sharing this.

1 comment:

  1. il a l'air d'être bien le bouquin! veut le lire! te l'emprunterai quand euh...on se verra! lol
